Know Some Popular French Words & Use Them While Speaking English



English Has Become Part and Parcel of My Life.

Now with these words, let’s add a little advancement to your English language and upgrade your learning.

 Take A Look…

  1. Déjà vu – Already seen

(An impression of having seen or experienced things earlier)

I’m watching this video for the first time but there is a feeling of déjà vu.

  1. Tête-à-tête- Head to head

(A get-together or private conversation between 2 people)

I would like to have a tête-à-tête with former president ‘Barack Obama’.

  1. Voilà – there it is , there you are

Voila! Good to see you again.

  1. Crème de la crème- Best of the best

Our college’s volleyball team is acknowledged as the crème de la crème.

  1. Concierge- Receptionist at a hotel or residence

This hotel’s concierge staff will support you throughout your stay

  1. Bon appétit- Good appetite

(used as a acknowledgment to a person about to eat)

Bon Appetit everyone, enjoy your meal.

  1. Café- Coffee shop

Hey friends! Let’s go to the cafe nearby.

  1. Chauffeur- Driver

Some companies provide on-demand chauffeur service.

  1. Cliché- Literally negative, repetition too often; a stereotype

The theme of the latest movie ‘Ok Jannu’ is cliche.

  1. Éclair- A creamy, chocolate icing pastry

A new assortment of éclairs has been launched by ‘Brioche Pasquier’.


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