Coronavirus Travel Advice & New International Travel Rules

Coronavirus Travel Advice & New International Travel Rules
Travel: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Are you considering rescheduling travel that you have put off due to this outbreak? Maybe you have several pending tasks related to family, work etc. that require you to travel. So, you may need a list of precautions to be taken care of and also the new travel rules implemented after this outbreak.

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Need to travel during the Covid-19 outbreak?

Protect yourself and others with these precautions

  1. Maintain ‘Social Distancing’: Maintain a distance of 6 feet (2 metres) between you and others as much as possible.
  2. Avoid the infected contact: Avoid the contact of anyone who is sick or suffering from fever, cold, cough, etc as much as possible.
  3. Limit contact with physical surfaces: Limit contact with frequently touched surfaces like elevator buttons, metro or outside handrails, etc. Even if you touch these surfaces, make sure to use a hand sanitizer afterward.
  4. Wear Your Mask, the protector: Don’t forget to wear a mask whenever you go out. And most importantly, wear it properly.
  5. Make sure to cover: Make sure to cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing. Also, avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
  6. Clean your hands often: Clean your hands after using a bathroom, before eating, after coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose every time.
  7. The right way to wash hands: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap isn’t available, use a hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol.
  8. Home quarantine: If you are traveling out of the station, make sure to home quarantine yourself for 14 days.
  9. Symptoms: In case of any symptoms like fever, cold or cough, go for a medical health test or check-up.
  10.  Personal equipment: While traveling anywhere, prefer to use personal equipment as it decreases the chances of touching any other physical products.

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What Needs To Be Done Before Planning Travel To/From India?

  1. All travelers should submit a self-declaration form on the online portal within 72 hours before traveling.
  2. Travelers should also give an undertaking that they’ll undergo a compulsory 14 days of quarantine. 7 days paid institutional quarantine at their own cost, followed by 7 days isolation at home with self-monitoring of passenger’s health.

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What Should The Passengers Keep In Mind Before Boarding?

  1. All passengers shall be advised to download the Arogya Setu app on their mobile devices.
  2. At the time of boarding the flight/ship, only asymptomatic travelers will be allowed to proceed after the thermal screening.
  3. Passengers arriving through land protocol will also have to undergo the same protocol, and only asymptomatic passengers will be allowed to proceed further.
  4. Suitable precautionary measures such as environmental sanitation and disinfection shall be ensured at the airports.
  5. During boarding and at the airports, all possible measures to ensure social distancing to be ensured.

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Guidelines For International Arrivals

  1. All travelers should submit a self-declaration form on the online portal in at least 72 hours before the scheduled travel.
  2. Passengers should also give an undertaking on the portal that they would undergo mandatory seven days institutional quarantine, followed by seven days of home quarantine.
  3. 5 categories of people can get an exemption from the 7days institutional quarantine:
  • Pregnant women
  • If there is any death in the family
  • Those suffering from a serious illness
  • Parents accompanying children below the age of 10, and
  • Those who have COVID-19 negative certificate from a test done 96 hours before the travel.
  1. If they wish to seek an exemption, they should apply to the online portal at least 72 hours before traveling.
  2. All the international passengers arriving in India have to undergo the same procedure of 14 days quarantine and also have to submit a self-declaration form.

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Do’s and Don’ts

During Travel: Suitable precautionary measures such as environmental sanitation and disinfection shall be ensured at the airports. Social distancing must be endured during boarding and also during the travel.

While onboarding the flight or ship, requisite safety measures i.e. wearing masks, environmental hygiene, respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene are to be observed by the staff or crew members.

On Arrival: De-boarding should be done while ensuring social distancing. Thermal screening should be carried out for all the passengers by the health officials.

The passengers find to be symptomatic should be isolated and taken immediately to the medical facility.

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