It is always exciting to take up a new skill or craft. What’s that something that has been piquing your curiosity for long? Music, painting or drawing, dancing, singing or learning a new language, give it a chance and see how good you feel about yourself afterwards.
Though this might sound cliché, but it’s very important. Whether you’re looking to cut down on junk food or stop smoking, it’s a new year and you can use the clean slate to start afresh. What’s say?
In this tinder-fueled, hook-up culture, make it a point to give love a chance this year. Whether you’re getting to know someone or are already in a relationship, fill it with love and make love a priority.
Fitness and leading an active lifestyle are very important to maintaining your health. Whether it’s taking a walk every evening or going for a daily jog, take simple steps to stay fit and active this year and you’ll see how that goes a long way.
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Cook Every Weekend
While cooking is no longer seen as a skill that is absolutely essential, there is something about being able to make a simple meal which gives you a good feeling. Not to mention that homemade food is significantly healthier than fast food. This year, take it up as a challenge for yourself and make it a point to cook at least every weekend (if not more). It will definitely be a fun and satisfying experience.
Plant A Sapling
The environment provides us with all the things we need. Going green is a hot topic these days. While you don’t need to take drastic measures, a simple step such as planting a sapling could go a long way. Allocate some of your time this year towards the environment.
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Save Water Like Money
Water conservation is extremely important. While we know, on a whole, how important it is to save water and natural resources, not many of us implement ways to preserve water into our lives. Make it a point to keep track of how much water you use and how much of it is wasted. Your part will help make a significant impact on the environment.
Work On Your Hobby
A hobby is a great way to utilize your free time all the while improving a skill or craft which you are passionate about. Many times, our hobbies tend to get lost in the noise and we forget to spend time for ourselves on them in our busy lives. Set aside some time for yourself this year and dedicate it to your hobby.
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Meet Old Friends
We often get so busy in our lives and lose touch with many of our old friends. Make it a point this year to plan a way to meet your old friends. Whether it’s a gathering once a month, or a weekend outing, rekindling old friendships will help you recharge and feel good.
Good books and movies are not that hard to come by, however, the art of keeping track of the same and reading good books is slowly decreasing. Make a list of books to read in the New Year and find a way to read a book a month. Similarly, make a list of movies that are must watch and incorporate them into your regular schedule.
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And if it is difficult for you to keep these above-mentioned resolutions, try this one.
This one is straightforward and simple, but these few little things can go a long way. Simply Smile, smile more, spread smile, hug your loved ones often throughout the year. You will feel good. Follow
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