5 Languages Of Love For Today’s Youth

It is not uncommon for one to hear the debates on whether fulfilling marriages that last a lifetime are mere fantasy or an attainable feat. While the topic is open for debates among those, who agree or disagree with the institution of marriage, but there are a few couples who make us believe that ‘true love’ and a ‘long term relationship’ is possible. The ‘language of love’ is hard to figure out, but those who experience them can define love beautifully. So you romantic, know these sign languages and maintain a happy love life.

  1. Sacrifices: Yes, making sacrifices is a major element of love. While in love, a sacrifice does not seem like a sacrifice, it is a mere opportunity to put a smile on your partners face. An ideal example would be David and Victoria Beckham. Despite their ups and downs in their life, the couple has made sacrifices for each other in terms of their career and decisions for their kids. This happy couple has definitely nailed this language to each of their benefit.

  2. Eye Contact: Eye contact is a unique way of expressing love. It is much like secretly communicating intensions that only your partner can understand. A simple gaze may drive a partner into a sheepish grin showing the world just how much they love each other. Barack and Michelle Obama are an ideal example for this. The political foray is usually riddles with tales of cheating and multiple marriages, however, Barack and Michelle Obama are the epitome of sweet and enticing gazes that show people that their flame of love still burns bright.

  3. Going Against The Storms: Portia and Ellen Degeneres prove that love can be found, despite the complications they faced. The dynamics of marriage have changed in recent times and the openly Gay couple Ellen Degeneres and her actress wife Portia prove that true love can be found in any shape or form as long as there is a will to support and care for the other’s well being irrespective of the voices that surround them.

  4. No Time Lost: One great aspect of love is that, irrespective of how much time goes by without seeing the other person, the emotions are just the same. This is what makes long-distance relationships possible. Give Time, Take Love.

  5. Special Touch: This is something, which people tend to notice; the way you hold someone’s hand, the way you touch their shoulders, the way you look into each other’s eyes. If you do any of these gestures to a loved one, it is definitely something that no one else except that special someone can experience. Yes, love moves your fingers differently.

Of course people will constantly try to throw dirt on the reputation of glorious relationships to appease their own speculations and beliefs, but it is undeniable that love is the world’s most beautiful emotion. If you have, keep it.

Have you experienced such love in your life. Do share your views.