God men are a rage among many sections of the youth who seek spiritual guidance.
Despite many having outspoken reservations about the dubbed ‘God men’, sections of the youth still have their favorite ‘God men’ and idolize them. Cases like Swami Nithyanantha, Asaram Bapu and Baba Ram Rahim have shaken the media. The most recent case of Baba Ram Rahim has displayed peaks of corruption. Not just has the accused been arrested and charged on accounts of abuse of women, the convict has also attempted to escape his sentence. The charges are being stacked against Ram Rahim, but his devotees staunchly adhere to his preaching! It seems incredible, but to be fair, not all Babas and Gurus level up to those who do not follow the Law or that believe that their Godly teachings are above the law. Spiritual guidance is a positive attribute in an individual’s life.
Here are some of the boons that a youth can obtain from a proper spiritual guide:
Finding inner peace is a life long journey. Those who start young may have a better chance of balancing their emotions early on.
Enhanced determination to overcome obstacles in their lives is a positive that can be achieved by just listening to proper speeches.
Faith that is instilled in a proper manner will make youth to behave responsibly and sensibly.
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However, on the flip side, here are things to beware!
Blind emotional attachment to a spiritual guide where they feel inclined to do anything to show their devotion.
Acting out of insecurity and seeking a spiritual guide to control and decide their life.
Giving irrational amounts of money, time and blind trust to a spiritual guide who demands it with false promises.
In this corrupt world, it is hard to strike a balance. No one is perfect. Even Gurus make mistakes. Find a spiritual guide who merely guides you to take control rather than a case where they demand that they control your actions.