The current youth want to make their presence known in the digital space. Being a force in the digital space not only increases their networking capabilities but also ensures that more people know what youth has to offer to the world. Perhaps you want people to know about a product you have or you simply enjoy the attention. If, for some reason you are not yet in the digital space, here are five ways for you to go digital!
Create A Facebook Account: Facebook is undoubtedly the largest social media platform in the cyber world. Creating an account not only helps you connect with people but it also allows you to create business pages and fan accounts to showcase your talents.
Tweet Mania: Twitter is a preferred platform for celebrities and top businesses. At times, people are hired to release tweets that are statements or updates about the company or celebrity. Even country’s President can’t resist Twitter!
YouTube: Are you an ‘Artist’ of any sort with much talent to showcase the world? YouTube can help you to become a viral celebrity. Check our Youtuber’s video and create your own.
Instagram and SnapChat: Accounts for photos and videos are mostly created on Instagram and Snapchat. Not only you can share your good times, but also add filters. The more followers, the more people to know what you or your business is up to!
WordPress: Are you an avid writer or reviewer? If you want world to read and comment on your written work, WordPress is the way to go! It is simple and user friendly making it the most sought after destination for bloggers.
Also Read- Dear Youth, Be A Speaker, But A Listener First
“Going digital does not take much of an investment. As long as you have a mobile device or a laptop with internet connection, going digital can be achieved within minutes!”
Be Babendude…