Before we go into the finer details of understanding how to handle passion with a profession, we must know what each term categorically denotes.
Passion is a strong feeling or tendency to put utmost energy with enthusiasm into what one loves or dislikes. It is mainly to do with talent, interest, enthusiasm, grit, willpower and a strong determination.
Whereas, profession is achieving a post or designation after putting in years of specialized educational training. It involves intelligence, skill, and focus. It can easily be passed on from a group of individuals who train to another group which gets trained. It mainly acts as a bread and butter aim in life. You can choose a vocation which matches your abilities and ultimately fulfills your needs. It is not like oil and water which refuse to mix.
A wise person will know how to blend the two successfully. All you have to be is ambitious; soon passion will follow suit, but mind you, it has to be sustained passion.
Passion and profession are two sides of the same coin. If you bother yourself only about being passionate you may soon burnout (when you see the bills mounting). Following your passion may not get you moneybags at times.
Let’s suppose I am passionate about writing (actually I am!). I am focused and there is a sense of purpose. I earn from my writing, which is beneficial for me. In this case, I handle passion and my profession in a balanced way.
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The bottom line would mean I am actually passionate about my profession and I enjoy it as well as earn good money from it. It may not, however, be such a cakewalk for those who are hardcore professionals. For them, it is work, work, and work. They may reach a point when this work will become drudgery – they may become loners and always prefer solitude – moneybags may not be as significant to them as they may have reached the pinnacle of their careers.
The best and most suitable thing would be to strike a healthy balance between the two – passion and profession. You need to have a purpose between the two – it would actually act as the center where the balance would conveniently be maintained.
Sustained balance and focused professionalism with a sense of purpose would make your side of the grass look greener always. Thus to love what you do and know how and why it is to be done will put you on the right track.