Parents are the most important beings ever present for an individual. With an upsurge in the number of residents checking into Old-Age homes, it seems that the future of the parents of today’s youth may be in question. Will they face the same fate? While the question is largely based on many factors, there are quite a few things that the youth can do for their parents without having to dig into their pockets.
Here are 10 things that the youth can do to put a smile on their parents’ faces.
Morning Fitness: Having a common hobby not only increases bonding, but ensures that you mentor each other. Get your parents to join you for a simple morning jog. It will help keep their health and energy in check as well.
Take The Reins: Nothing makes us feel happier knowing that we get a day off to do whatever we want without having to worry about work or the house. Offer to take over the household chores and responsibilities over the weekend while your parents can get a chance to get out of the house and spend some quality time together.
Tech Update: Not all parents are tech savvy. Teach them to use the latest updates on their phones so that they don’t feel at bay with all the modern jargons. It will also allow them to feel less distanced from the present generation.
Free Spa: Ask mom or dad to relax while you treat their tresses to a well deserved massage at home.
Meal Time: Who cooks the most at home, mom or dad? Ask them to sit the day out and prepare them their favorite meals.
Surprise Completion: Complete a chore that you know your mom or dad stresses about and surprise them with the news that you have completed it.
Watch Favorite’s Together: It may come as a surprise that our parents may like the same things we do. Watch your favorite Netflix series with them and watch as they get immersed in a word you thought only you appreciated.
Coupon Book: Everybody loves a good deal. Present your parents with a handmade book on a special day with a list of free chores you are willing to do for them over the course of the month.
Also Read- 5 Languages Of Love For Today’s Youth
Simplicity Wins All: Sometimes, the simplest of gestures, a smile, can make the heart leap with joy. When was the last time you looked a parent in the eye and smiled lovingly? Sometimes, that is all they may ever need.
Time: The simple fact is that time is hard to come by. Almost all of us get immersed in our own lives. Sometimes, all it takes is to make yourself available for a few hours to spend quality time with them. Ask them old-times questions and listen to their stories carefully.
You don’t always need money to warm the hearts of those who gave us life!
Take these steps and spread smile…This is what our main job is…