Dear Youth, Be A Speaker, But A Listener First

Millennials and youth get a lot of slack for being quite jumpy about things. Truth be told, the older generations will always find something to nit-pick about with the younger generations. This article is not one of them to find fault or advice the youth to be something. Rather, it is an emphasis of an age old saying, but with the youth gaining a louder voice on social media, it is high time to highlight the pros of listening first and reiterate this fact to instill a greater sense of responsibility upon them.

Here are the top five reasons why youth must listen, before channeling their inner speaker.


  1. The Facts Matter: Getting the facts right is very important. So before speaking, it is important to listen to the right facts.

  2. Track Record: The better a listener you are, the better track record you have with people who will listen to you speak.

  3. Reliability: Don’t become the boy-who-cried-wolf by trying to always speak without listening for what is exactly needed. This makes people loose trust even if you may be right at some point in time.

  4. More Power: The listener has more power over their audience while speaking. It is a true weapon.

  5. Value: Value of speech comes with the amount of power you deliver while speaking. If all the above points are executed correctly, your value automatically increases.

ALSO READ:- Top Ten Interview Trends Youth Must Know 

The adage of listening before you speak is, indeed, a wise one. It gives people the knowledge that you can be trusted to hear them out before jumping to conclusions. In this time and age of information, it is very important to listen before voicing opinions, especially on social media. It isn’t wise to put yourself as easy bait for critics and devalue your opinions which were based on wrong facts!

Become one…BabenDude


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